GURPS SOLO - Jack Diamond - Jack runs some jobs

If you are new here you will want to follow up on the previous adventures of Jack Diamond by following the links below:

Jack Session 1

Jack Session 2

Jack Session 3

 Having both successfully restoring the disk and showing his value to the rebels who are now providing him with protection vs the triad Jack now makes moves to fulfil his end of the original bargain as well as start to setup opportunities to get out of this life.

As to working with the AI, I have made some updates to how it will behave moving forward.

* It will now remember jacks character sheet, and all rules provided to it for how gameplay will occur.

* It will no longer just move the scene forward with out my permission

* Skill checks will now get bonuses and penalties based on the difficulty

Scene 19: Settling In

Jack spends the next few days getting accustomed to life with the Rocky Mountain Rebels. The base, hidden in the rugged terrain of the Rocky Mountains, is equipped with state-of-the-art technology that rivals what he had access to at RMG. The Rebels have set him up with a secure workspace filled with advanced equipment, and he's slowly getting used to the rhythms of life here.

Having already repaired the data disk he received from the man in the brown suit, Jack is now ready to take the next steps. Alexis, one of the key figures in the Rebels, approaches him. She's a sharp, no-nonsense woman who commands respect among the group.

"You've got free reign to use our facilities, Jack," she says, her tone firm but not unkind. "Just remember, we expect results."

Jack nods, grateful for the support but acutely aware of the responsibilities that come with it. He knows that his skills are valuable to the Rebels, and he's determined to prove his worth.

Deliver the Repaired Data Disk:

Jack decides to contact the number on the business card and arrange for the delivery of the repaired data disk. He finds a secure terminal and, after making sure the line is encrypted, dials the number.

A smooth, calm voice answers. "Mr. Diamond, I presume? Have you completed the task?"

Jack seizes the opportunity to gather more information before proceeding further. Keeping his tone composed, he responds to the voice on the other end of the line.

"Indeed, the disk is repaired and ready for delivery," Jack begins, choosing his words carefully. "Before we proceed, I'd like to clarify a few details about the nature of this data and the potential implications it might have."

There's a brief pause on the other end, followed by a measured response. "Of course, Mr. Diamond. The data on that disk pertains to a sensitive project within RMG. Its recovery is crucial for our operations. As for implications, let's just say it holds the key to gaining a significant edge over our competitors."

Jack processes this information, realizing the magnitude of what he's involved in. "Understood," he replies, maintaining his professional demeanor. "Could you provide me with more specifics about where and when you'd like to meet for the exchange?"

The voice on the line agrees to meet Jack at a discreet location in the city outskirts tomorrow night, confirming the details before ending the call.

Next Steps:

Jack prepares for the meeting, ensuring he has everything in order for the handover of the data disk. He also considers his position with the Rocky Mountain Rebels and how this task might impact their trust in him.

Scene 19: Discussion with Alexis

Jack decides to discuss the plan to deliver the repaired data disk with Alexis, knowing her strategic insight will be valuable in ensuring everything goes smoothly. He finds Alexis in her office, a secure room lined with monitors displaying various surveillance feeds and tactical maps.

"Alexis," Jack begins as he enters, "I've arranged to deliver the repaired data disk tomorrow night. It's crucial for the Rebels that this exchange goes without a hitch."

Alexis nods, her expression serious yet attentive. "Good work, Jack. Security will be paramount. We can't afford any surprises, especially with RMG involved. Have you confirmed the meeting details?"

Jack nods in affirmation. "Yes, it's set for a discreet location on the outskirts of the city. The contact seemed professional, but I'll remain vigilant."

"I trust your judgment," Alexis replies. "Do you have a plan in place for the exchange?"

Jack outlines his proposal, suggesting a small team for backup and establishing secure communication channels to monitor the meeting discreetly. Alexis listens intently, occasionally interjecting with suggestions to enhance their security measures.

"Alright," Alexis concludes, "we'll go with your plan. Coordinate with the team and ensure everything is ready by tomorrow evening. We're counting on you, Jack."

With the meeting plan established and Alexis's approval, Jack leaves her office with a sense of purpose. He knows the stakes are high, but he's determined to see the mission through for both the Rebels and himself.

Jack decides to check in with Gutter Rat to keep him informed about the recent developments and ensure that their lines of communication are open. He heads to their usual meeting spot, a dimly lit corner of a rundown bar frequented by shadowy figures and those looking to stay under the radar.

Entering the bar, Jack scans the room until he spots Gutter Rat sitting at a corner table, nursing a drink while casually observing the room. Jack approaches, nodding to acknowledge his presence.

"Gutter Rat," Jack greets him quietly as he takes a seat opposite. "I need to fill you in on what's been happening."

Gutter Rat looks up, his expression a mix of curiosity and cautious interest. "Go ahead, kid. What's the word?"

Jack proceeds to recount the recent events and emphasizes the importance of the upcoming meeting to deliver the disk and the potential risks involved.

Gutter Rat listens intently, occasionally nodding thoughtfully or asking clarifying questions. After Jack finishes, there's a brief moment of silence as Gutter Rat considers the situation.

"You've been making some bold moves, kid," Gutter Rat finally remarks, his voice low but approving. "The Rebels can be a solid backer, but watch your step with that disk. RMG doesn't take kindly to loose ends."

Jack nods, acknowledging the warning. "I'll keep my guard up. Anything you've picked up on your end?"

Gutter Rat leans back, his eyes scanning the room briefly before focusing on Jack again. "Nothing specific yet, but I'll keep digging. Triad's got ears everywhere, so watch your back, especially now."

Jack thanks Gutter Rat for the update and assures him that he'll stay in touch. With their conversation concluded, Jack leaves the bar, feeling reassured by Gutter Rat's vigilance and support.

Scene: The Meeting

The night settles over the outskirts of the city as Jack arrives at the designated meeting spot. It's a secluded area, away from prying eyes and potential eavesdroppers. He parks his vehicle nearby and checks his equipment one last time: cyberdeck securely stowed, weapons discreetly concealed, and communication channels open to the Rebels for backup if needed.

Walking to the agreed-upon location, Jack notices a figure waiting in the shadows. As he approaches, the figure steps forward, revealing a middle-aged man in a sleek suit, exuding an air of authority and confidence.

"Mr. Diamond, I presume," the man says with a nod, extending a hand. "I appreciate your promptness. Do you have the data disk?"

Jack returns the nod, equally composed. "Indeed. It's been repaired and is ready for delivery," he replies, reaching into his jacket pocket to retrieve the small data storage device. He holds it out, ensuring the man can see it clearly before making any move.

The man inspects the disk briefly, his expression unreadable. Satisfied, he nods again. "Good. Our associates will be pleased. And your compensation, as promised." He produces a prepaid credit voucher and hands it over to Jack, who checks the balance discreetly before pocketing it.

"Thank you," Jack says, acknowledging the exchange. "Is there anything else?"

The man shakes his head. "That will be all for now, Mr. Diamond. Should we require your services again, we'll be in touch."

With that, the man turns and disappears into the darkness, leaving Jack alone with his thoughts. He takes a moment to collect himself, then heads back to his vehicle, mindful of his surroundings and the potential for any lingering threats.

Jack returns to the Rebel base to report the successful completion of the task. With the data disk delivered and compensation received, he reflects on the implications of his actions and considers the next move in his journey with the Rocky Mountain Rebels.

Jack decides to put his downtime to good use by looking for a hacking job. He checks his usual online forums and dark web contacts for potential leads.

Step 1: Searching for Jobs

Jack needs to use his Computer Operation skill to search for available hacking jobs.

Roll: Computer Operation-14

Let's see how successful he is in finding a job. We'll roll 3d6 and compare it to his skill level of 14.


Jack's Roll:

  • Target Number: 14 (Computer Operation)
  • Roll: 9 (3d6)

Jack succeeds in finding several potential jobs. He has a few options:

  1. Corporate Espionage: A mid-level exec wants some dirt on a rival within the company. The pay is decent, but the risk is higher due to increased security.
  2. Database Infiltration: A small business needs access to a competitor's customer database. Lower risk, but the pay is modest.
  3. Financial Fraud: A shady contact needs help siphoning funds from a cryptocurrency exchange. High risk and high reward. 

Jack decides to go for the Corporate Espionage job. It's risky, but the pay is worth it, and he enjoys the challenge. He contacts the client through a secure channel to get the details.

Job Details:

  • Target: Rival executive at a major corporation.
  • Objective: Obtain incriminating information (emails, documents, etc.) from the target's secure server.
  • Pay: 5,000 credits upfront, with a bonus of 10,000 credits upon successful completion.
  • Deadline: 48 hours.

Step 3: Planning the Hack

Jack needs to gather as much information as possible about the target's security systems. He'll use his Electronics Repair skill to understand the security infrastructure and his Expert Skill (Computer Security) to find potential vulnerabilities.

Roll 1: Electronics Repair-13

Roll 2: Expert Skill (Computer Security)-12

Let's see how successful he is in gathering the necessary information.

Jack's Rolls:

  • Electronics Repair (Target: 13): 10 (3d6)
  • Expert Skill (Computer Security) (Target: 12): 7 (3d6)


  1. Electronics Repair: Success. Jack gets a detailed overview of the security systems in place, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and encryption protocols.
  2. Expert Skill (Computer Security): Success. Jack identifies a potential vulnerability in the target's email server that he can exploit.

Step 4: Executing the Hack

Jack now needs to use his Computer Hacking skill to break into the target's email server and obtain the incriminating information.

Roll: Computer Hacking-12

Let's see if Jack can successfully execute the hack.

Jack's Roll:

  • Computer Hacking (Target: 12): 8 (3d6)


Jack successfully hacks into the target's email server and retrieves a trove of incriminating emails and documents. He compiles the information and sends it to the client through a secure channel.

Step 5: Receiving Payment

Jack receives the 5,000 credits upfront and waits for confirmation from the client.

A few hours later, Jack gets a message from the client confirming the successful completion of the job. The client transfers the remaining 10,000 credits to Jack's account.

Updated Credits:

Jack now has an additional 15,000 credits, bringing his total to 30,000 credits.

Jack heads over to meet with Alexis.

Jack says "What's next on the agenda?"

Alexis checks a few details on one of her monitors. "With that disk behind us, we can look at other opportunities. We've got a few options lined up that could use your expertise. Here's what we're looking at:

  1. Data Heist: We've got intel on a major corporation that's been hoarding sensitive data. We need someone to infiltrate their network and extract specific information.
  2. Counter-Hack: Another corporation has been targeting our systems. We need to trace their attacks back to the source and disrupt their operations.
  3. Tech Retrieval: There's a piece of advanced tech that went missing from one of our suppliers. We need someone to track it down and bring it back."

Alexis looks back at Jack. "Which one interests you the most?"

Jack decides on the Data Heist.

"Alright, the Data Heist it is," Alexis says, her expression serious. "This is a high-risk, high-reward operation, but I think you're up to the challenge."

She pulls up a detailed schematic of the target corporation's headquarters on one of the monitors. "The corporation is called Quantum Dynamics. They specialize in advanced AI and data analytics. We've got intel that they're hoarding sensitive data that could expose some of their more unethical practices."

Alexis continues, "Your mission is to infiltrate their network and extract specific information. We've identified a few key points of entry, but you'll need to be careful. Their security is top-notch, both physical and digital."

She hands Jack a data chip. "This chip contains the access codes you'll need and some initial intel on their security protocols. You'll probably need to do some on-the-fly adjustments once you're inside."

Jack examines the data chip and nods. "Got it. Anything else I need to know?"

Alexis thinks for a moment. "You'll have backup if things go south, but it's best if you can get in and out without drawing too much attention. Also, if you find any other useful data while you're in there, feel free to grab it. The more dirt we have on them, the better."


  1. Recon the Building: Spend some time scouting the corporation's headquarters to gather more intel before the heist.
  2. Gear Up: Visit the Rebels' armory to equip yourself with the latest tech and weapons.
  3. Go In: Head straight to Quantum Dynamics and begin the infiltration.

Jack decides that recon is the best first step. He thanks Alexis and heads out, making his way toward the city center where Quantum Dynamics' headquarters is located. The building is a sleek, high-rise with mirrored windows, giving off an air of modern sophistication and security.

Recon Process:

  1. Observation Point: Jack finds a nearby coffee shop with a good view of the entrance. He sets up with a cup of coffee and his cyberdeck, using it to scan for wireless signals and security measures around the building.

  2. Surveillance: Jack spends several hours watching the comings and goings at Quantum Dynamics. He takes note of the security personnel, their shift changes, and any patterns in their patrol routes. He also observes the employees, noting who has access cards and who seems to be in charge.

  3. Digital Intel: Jack hacks into the public Wi-Fi of the coffee shop to discreetly access Quantum Dynamics' external network. He identifies the firewalls and other cybersecurity measures in place. He also finds a few employee social media profiles, gathering information about their routines and potential weak points.

  4. Physical Security: Jack takes a stroll around the building, noting the locations of security cameras, guards, and possible entry points such as service entrances and fire escapes.


  • Security Cameras: High-resolution cameras cover all entrances and exits, as well as key points inside the building.
  • Guard Patrols: The guards are well-armed and follow a regular patrol schedule, which changes every eight hours.
  • Access Points: The main entrance is heavily guarded, but the service entrance at the back of the building has less security. There's also a fire escape on the east side that could provide access to the upper floors.
  • Wireless Network: The building's Wi-Fi network is secured with a robust firewall, but Jack identifies a potential weak spot that could be exploited.

Back at the Rebels' base, Jack shares his findings with Alexis.

"Good work, Jack," she says, reviewing the data. "Now we have a better idea of what we're up against. What's the plan?"


  1. Service Entrance: Use the less guarded service entrance to gain access to the building.
  2. Fire Escape: Climb the fire escape to reach a less secure upper floor.
  3. Hack the Network: Attempt to breach the building's wireless network to disable some of the security measures before entering.

Jack decides to hack into the network to disable some of the security measures before making his move. He returns to the coffee shop and sets up his cyberdeck, ready to breach the building's wireless network.

Hacking Attempt:

Jack's Skill: Computer Hacking - 12

This is a difficult task, given the robust firewall, but Jack's reconnaissance has identified a weak spot. This gives him a slight advantage.


  • Weak Spot Identified: +2
  • Robust Firewall: -3

Net Modifier: -1

Let's roll for the hacking attempt with the adjusted skill level of 11.

Roll: [4, 5, 3] (Total: 12)

Jack's roll is 12 against his adjusted skill of 11, so it fails by 1.

Despite his efforts, Jack can't fully breach the firewall. However, he does manage to gather some useful information about the network's structure and vulnerabilities. This might help him in the future.

Jack decides his next step based on what he learned:


  1. Retry the Hack: Now that Jack knows more about the network, he can make another hacking attempt with a better strategy.
  2. Service Entrance: Proceed to the building and use the less guarded service entrance.
  3. Fire Escape: Climb the fire escape to reach a less secure upper floor.

Jack decides to give the hack another try, this time using the additional information he gathered about the network's structure and vulnerabilities.

Hacking Attempt (Second Try):

Jack's Skill: Computer Hacking - 12


  • Weak Spot Identified: +2
  • Robust Firewall: -3
  • Additional Information: +1

Net Modifier: 0

Jack's effective skill level remains at 12 for this attempt.

Roll: [3, 5, 2] (Total: 10)

Jack's roll is 10 against his skill of 12, which means he succeeds by 2.

Jack successfully breaches the firewall and gains access to the building's network. He quickly navigates through the system, disabling several security measures:

  • Security Cameras: Jack loops the footage of several key cameras, creating blind spots in the security coverage.
  • Alarm System: He temporarily disables the building's alarm system, giving him a window of opportunity to get in and out without triggering any alerts.

With these measures in place, Jack is ready to proceed.


  1. Service Entrance: Use the less guarded service entrance to gain access to the building.
  2. Fire Escape: Climb the fire escape to reach a less secure upper floor.

With the security measures disabled, Jack decides to use the fire escape to gain access to a less secure upper floor. He packs up his cyberdeck, leaves the coffee shop, and makes his way to the east side of the Quantum Dynamics building.

Fire Escape Climb:

Jack approaches the fire escape carefully, ensuring he stays out of sight of any remaining cameras or patrols. He begins his ascent, moving swiftly and quietly.

Roll: Stealth (DX - 1): 10 Jack's effective skill: 11 (DX) - 1 = 10

Roll: [2, 6, 1] (Total: 9)

Jack's roll is 9 against his skill of 10, which means he succeeds by 1. He reaches the third floor without incident, finding an unlocked window that leads into a dimly lit corridor.

Inside the Building:

Jack carefully opens the window and slips inside, closing it quietly behind him. The corridor is deserted, and he can hear the faint hum of electronic equipment from nearby rooms. He pulls up a map of the building on his cyberdeck, looking for the best route to the main server room where he can complete his objective.


  1. Direct Route: Head straight to the server room, minimizing time spent inside the building but risking encountering security personnel.
  2. Cautious Route: Take a longer, more indirect route to avoid any potential security patrols or cameras.
  3. Diversion: Create a diversion elsewhere in the building to draw security away from the server room, making his path easier.

Jack decides that creating a diversion is the best strategy to draw security away from his target. He searches for a suitable location on the map where he can trigger an alarm or cause a minor incident that will attract attention.

Creating the Diversion:

Jack finds a maintenance room on the second floor, which has access to the building's HVAC system. He heads there cautiously, ensuring he avoids any patrols or cameras.

Roll: Stealth (DX - 1): 10 Jack's effective skill: 11 (DX) - 1 = 10

Roll: [1, 5, 2] (Total: 8)

Jack's roll is 8 against his skill of 10, succeeding by 2. He reaches the maintenance room without being detected.

Triggering the Alarm:

Jack accesses the control panel for the HVAC system and sets it to trigger a smoke alarm. This should prompt security to investigate the source of the "smoke."

Roll: Electronics Repair - 13 Jack's effective skill: 13

Roll: [2, 4, 3] (Total: 9)

Jack's roll is 9 against his skill of 13, succeeding by 4. He successfully triggers the smoke alarm without causing any real damage.

The alarm blares loudly, and Jack can hear the sound of footsteps and voices as security personnel rush to investigate.

Heading to the Server Room:

With the diversion in place, Jack uses the chaos to his advantage, heading toward the server room. He follows his map, moving quickly but carefully through the now-empty corridors.

Roll: Stealth (DX - 1): 10 Jack's effective skill: 11 (DX) - 1 = 10

Roll: [1, 6, 2] (Total: 9)

Jack's roll is 9 against his skill of 10, succeeding by 1. He reaches the server room door undetected.

Inside the Server Room:

Jack hacks the door lock using his cyberdeck.

Roll: Computer Hacking - 12 Jack's effective skill: 12

Roll: [3, 4, 1] (Total: 8)

Jack's roll is 8 against his skill of 12, succeeding by 4. The door lock clicks open, and Jack slips inside the server room.

Now, he needs to access the main server to complete his objective.


  1. Extract Data: Download sensitive data from the server to use as leverage against Quantum Dynamics.
  2. Upload Virus: Upload a virus to disrupt Quantum Dynamics' operations.
  3. Erase Evidence: Erase all traces of his presence, ensuring that Quantum Dynamics cannot track him down later.

Jack quickly moves to one of the main server terminals and connects his cyberdeck. He initiates a data extraction protocol, aiming to download as much sensitive information as possible.

Extracting Data:

Jack's fingers fly over the keyboard as he navigates through Quantum Dynamics' security protocols.

Roll: Computer Hacking - 12 Jack's effective skill: 12

Roll: [3, 4, 2] (Total: 9)

Jack's roll is 9 against his skill of 12, succeeding by 3. The extraction process begins smoothly. Files and folders flash across the screen, indicating that the data is being copied to his cyberdeck.


The data transfer bar slowly fills up. Jack keeps an eye on the server room's entrance, aware that security might return at any moment.

Suddenly, Jack notices an alert on the screen: an active monitoring system is detecting the data transfer. He needs to bypass it quickly to avoid triggering an alarm.

Roll: Computer Programming - 12 Jack's effective skill: 12

Roll: [4, 1, 1] (Total: 6)

Jack's roll is 6 against his skill of 12, succeeding by 6. He swiftly disables the monitoring system, preventing it from sending any alerts. The data transfer continues uninterrupted.

Extraction Complete:

After a tense few minutes, the data transfer is complete. Jack disconnects his cyberdeck and wipes any traces of his presence from the terminal.


  1. Exit via Fire Escape: Retrace his steps and leave the building the way he came.
  2. Exit via Main Entrance: Blend in with the employees and exit through the main entrance, using his stealth skills to avoid detection.
  3. Create Another Diversion: Trigger another alarm to draw security away again and use the confusion to escape.

ack decides to exit via the fire escape, retracing his steps to minimize the risk of detection. He quickly and quietly makes his way back through the now-familiar corridors, listening carefully for any signs of security.

Navigating Back:

Roll: Stealth (DX - 1): 10 Jack's effective skill: 11 (DX) - 1 = 10

Roll: [3, 2, 2] (Total: 7)

Jack's roll is 7 against his skill of 10, succeeding by 3. He moves silently, avoiding any security personnel who might still be patrolling the area.

Reaching the Fire Escape:

Jack reaches the door to the fire escape and carefully opens it, making sure it doesn't creak or make any noise. He steps out onto the metal staircase and begins his descent.

Roll: Stealth (DX - 1): 10 Jack's effective skill: 11 (DX) - 1 = 10

Roll: [2, 2, 1] (Total: 5)

Jack's roll is 5 against his skill of 10, succeeding by 5. He descends the fire escape without making a sound, his heart pounding in his chest.

Safe Exit:

Jack reaches the ground level and quickly moves away from the building, blending into the shadows of the alleyway. He checks his surroundings to make sure no one has followed him.

Now that he's safely away from the building, Jack takes a moment to catch his breath and consider his next steps. With the extracted data securely stored in his cyberdeck, he needs to decide how to proceed.


  1. Return to the Rocky Mountain Rebels: Deliver the data to Alexis and the Rebels, leveraging the information for their cause.
  2. Sell the Data: Contact a black market dealer or another interested party to sell the data for credits.
  3. Analyze the Data: Find a secure location to analyze the data himself and see if there are any immediate uses or opportunities hidden within.

Jack decides to find a secure location where he can analyze the data he extracted from Quantum Dynamics. He needs to understand its contents and determine if there are any valuable insights or opportunities hidden within.

Finding a Secure Location:

Jack heads back to his safehouse, a temporary base provided by the Rocky Mountain Rebels. It's a nondescript apartment in a quiet neighborhood, offering privacy and security.

Analyzing the Data:

Inside the apartment, Jack connects his cyberdeck to a secure network and begins the analysis.

Roll: Computer Hacking - 12 Jack's effective skill: 12

Roll: [5, 3, 6] (Total: 14)

Jack's roll is 14 against his skill of 12, failing by 2. Despite his efforts, the encryption on some of the files is tougher than expected. He realizes he needs additional time or expertise to crack the most sensitive data.

Initial Insights:

From the files he manages to decrypt, Jack learns several key pieces of information:

  • Quantum Dynamics is developing a new AI algorithm designed to optimize energy distribution networks.
  • There are financial projections and market analysis reports indicating potential profitability of the new AI technology.
  • Internal communications reveal tensions among senior executives regarding the timeline and deployment strategy for the AI.


  1. Continue Analysis: Dedicate more time and resources to decrypting the remaining files and uncovering all the data's secrets.
  2. Contact Alexis: Inform the Rebels of his findings so far and seek their advice on how to proceed.
  3. Sell Partial Information: Offer the decrypted insights to potential buyers on the black market for quick credits.

Jack decides to continue his analysis of the data, determined to decrypt the remaining files and uncover all the secrets hidden within Quantum Dynamics' systems.

Continuing Analysis:

Jack spends several more hours focused on decrypting the encrypted files. He uses his cyberdeck's processing power and his hacking skills to bypass security measures and delve deeper into the data.

Roll: Computer Hacking - 12 Jack's effective skill: 12

Roll: [6, 4, 3] (Total: 13)

Jack's roll is 13 against his skill of 12, failing by 1. Despite his continued efforts, some of the files remain stubbornly encrypted, resisting his attempts to break through their defenses.

Further Insights:

Despite the partial success, Jack manages to uncover more valuable information:

  • Detailed technical specifications of the new AI algorithm, including its capabilities and potential applications.
  • Emails and chat logs revealing discussions about potential partnerships with other corporations and government agencies.
  • Security protocols and vulnerabilities within Quantum Dynamics' network, which could be exploited for future operations.

Attempted Hacking Roll:

Jack continues his efforts to decrypt the remaining encrypted files from Quantum Dynamics' system.

Roll: Computer Hacking - 12 Jack's effective skill: 12

Roll: [4, 5, 6] (Total: 15)

Since the target number for success is below 12, a roll of 15 indicates that Jack fails to successfully decrypt the remaining files this time. Despite his best efforts, the encryption holds firm, and he is unable to access more data from Quantum Dynamics' secure network.

Jack realizes he'll need to approach this with a different strategy or seek additional expertise to break through the remaining security measures.

Jack decides to reach out to Gutter Rat for assistance, hoping that his old contact might know someone with the necessary skills to help break through the remaining encryption on Quantum Dynamics' files.

Contacting Gutter Rat:

Jack uses a secure communication channel to contact Gutter Rat.

Jack: "Gutter Rat, it's Jack. I need some help with a tough encryption job. Do you know anyone trustworthy who can assist?"

Gutter Rat takes a moment before responding, considering Jack's request.

Gutter Rat: "Jack, I might have just the person for you. There's a guy named Trace, an old-school hacker with a knack for cracking tough systems. He's not cheap, but he's reliable. You want me to set up a meeting?"

Jack agrees to meet with Trace and asks Gutter Rat to set up the meeting.

Jack: "Set it up. I'll meet with Trace and see if he can help."

Gutter Rat: "Alright, I'll arrange it. Meet him at the old warehouse on 4th and Main. He'll be there in an hour."

Jack prepares himself and heads to the designated location, keeping an eye out for any signs of trouble. The warehouse is in a run-down part of town, a perfect spot for clandestine meetings.

At the Warehouse:

Jack arrives at the warehouse and waits for a few minutes. Soon, a figure steps out of the shadows. It's a tall, thin man with a scruffy beard and a sharp look in his eyes.

Trace: "You must be Jack. Gutter Rat told me you needed some help with a tough encryption job."

Jack decides to test Trace's skills before committing to the full job.

Jack: "Before we get into the details, I'd like to see what you can do. Here's a small sample of the encrypted data. If you can crack this, we'll move forward."

Trace nods and takes the data Jack offers. He pulls out a sleek, portable deck and starts working on it. His fingers fly over the keyboard as he dives into the encryption.

Roll: Trace's Computer Hacking Skill

Let's assume Trace has a Computer Hacking skill of 16.

Roll: [3, 4, 6] (Total: 13)

Trace successfully cracks the sample encryption.

Trace: "There you go, Jack. That wasn't too tough. The rest shouldn't be much harder."

Jack is impressed by Trace's skill and feels more confident about proceeding.

Jack decides to negotiate the payment terms before proceeding with the full decryption job.

Jack: "You did a good job with the sample. Let's talk about payment. How much do you want for decrypting the rest of the data?"

Trace leans back, considering the request.

Trace: "For a job like this, you're looking at 5,000 credits upfront and another 5,000 upon completion. I don't do cheap work, but I do it right."

Jack decides to use the time to work on another task while Trace handles the decryption. He heads back to the Rebel base to see what else needs attention.

At the Rebel Base:

Jack finds Alexis in the command center, reviewing some intel reports.

Alexis: "Jack, good timing. While your hacker friend works on the decryption, we could use your skills on another task. We’ve intercepted some communications that might lead us to a hidden Triad supply cache. We need someone to hack into their network and confirm the location."

Jack decides to accept the task.

Jack: "I'm in. Where do I start?"

Alexis hands Jack a data chip containing the intercepted communications.

Alexis: "Here are the intercepted communications. We need you to access the Triad's network and pinpoint the location of their supply cache. Be careful; their security is tight."

Jack nods and heads to his secure workspace within the Rebel base. He sets up his cyberdeck and prepares to dive into the Triad's network.

Roll: Computer Hacking Skill

  • Skill: Computer Hacking - 12
  • Difficulty: This is a high-security network, so let's apply a -3 penalty.

Target Number: 9

Roll: [2, 3, 2] (Total: 7)

Jack successfully breaches the Triad's network and begins sifting through the data.

Next Steps:

  1. Locate the Supply Cache: Focus on finding the exact location of the supply cache within the network.
  2. Gather Additional Intel: While inside the network, look for additional useful information about the Triad’s operations.
  3. Plant a Backdoor: Install a backdoor to allow for easier access to the Triad’s network in the future.
  4. Cover Tracks: Ensure that no traces of the hack are left behind to avoid detection.

Jack decides to plant a backdoor in the Triad's network for easier future access.

Roll: Computer Programming Skill

  • Skill: Computer Programming - 12
  • Difficulty: This requires careful work to avoid detection, so let's apply a -2 penalty.

Target Number: 10

Roll: [1, 5, 2] (Total: 8)

Jack successfully plants a backdoor in the Triad's network, ensuring future access without the need for another difficult hack. With this done, he now has a foothold in their system. With the backdoor successfully planted, Jack focuses on locating the exact location of the Triad's supply cache.

Roll: Computer Hacking Skill

  • Skill: Computer Hacking - 12
  • Difficulty: This task is slightly less difficult since Jack already has access, so no additional penalty applies.

Target Number: 12

Roll: [4, 5, 1] (Total: 10)

Jack sifts through the data and successfully locates the coordinates of the Triad's supply cache. It’s hidden in an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city.

Jack decides to spend more time in the network, gathering additional intel about the cache and its defenses.

Roll: Computer Operation Skill

  • Skill: Computer Operation - 14
  • Difficulty: Moderate, due to needing to locate specific and useful information.

Target Number: 14

Roll: [3, 5, 3] (Total: 11)

Jack successfully navigates the network and gathers additional information about the cache. He discovers that:

  • The warehouse is guarded by a small group of Triad enforcers, usually numbering around six.
  • There are security cameras covering the main entrances and the interior of the warehouse.
  • The cache itself contains a mix of weapons, ammunition, and some high-tech gear, including a prototype cyberdeck.

Jack decides to report back to Alexis and provide her with the detailed intel about the Triad's supply cache and its defenses.

Reporting to Alexis:

Jack finds Alexis in the command center, where she's coordinating operations.

Jack: "Alexis, here's what I found in the Triad's network. The supply cache is located in an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts. It's guarded by about six Triad enforcers, and there are security cameras covering the entrances and inside the warehouse. They've got weapons, ammo, and even a prototype cyberdeck inside."

Alexis: "Good work, Jack. This gives us what we need to plan our next move. We'll need to strike swiftly and decisively to seize those supplies. I'll coordinate with the team to finalize our raid plan."

Jack decides to assist in reviewing and planning for overcoming the security measures at the warehouse where the Triad's supply cache is located.

Planning and Reviewing Security Measures:

Jack joins Alexis and the Rebel team as they strategize in the command center. They lay out maps and blueprints of the warehouse, discussing various approaches and tactics to overcome the security measures.

Jack: "We could use the backdoor I planted to disable their security cameras temporarily. That might give us a window to move in unnoticed."

Alexis: "Good thinking, Jack. That'll be our first step. We'll coordinate the timing with your backdoor access."

Planning Details:

  • Security Cameras: Use Jack's backdoor to disable security cameras temporarily.
  • Entry Points: Identify and secure the best entry points into the warehouse.
  • Guard Patrols: Plan to neutralize or evade the Triad enforcers guarding the cache.
  • Extraction Plan: Develop a plan for retrieving the cache and safely extracting it from the warehouse.

Next Steps:

  1. Execute the Plan: Prepare for and execute the raid on the Triad's supply cache.
  2. Monitor Security: Maintain surveillance on the warehouse to gather real-time updates on Triad activities.
  3. Final Preparations: Ensure all equipment and personnel are ready for the operation.
  4. Backup Plans: Consider contingency plans in case of unexpected developments during the raid.

Jack continues to monitor security and maintain surveillance on the warehouse where the Triad's supply cache is located. He focuses on gathering real-time updates on Triad activities, ensuring that they have the most current information before executing the raid.

Monitoring and Surveillance:

Jack utilizes his skills and equipment to keep an eye on the warehouse and its surroundings:

  • Surveillance Equipment: Uses his cyberdeck and hacking skills to tap into nearby security cameras and local networks for intel.
  • Scouting: Sends drones or scouts to observe the warehouse and report back on any changes in guard patrols or security measures.
  • Communication: Stays in touch with Alexis and the Rebel team, providing updates on Triad movements and any new developments.

Key Objectives:

  • Current Activity: Determine if there are any changes in guard shifts or additional security measures being implemented.
  • Vulnerabilities: Identify weaknesses in the Triad's defenses that could be exploited during the raid.
  • Timing: Keep track of the optimal window for executing the raid based on Triad activities.

Jack participates in the final briefing session where the raid plan is reviewed and roles are assigned. The Rebel team gathers in a secure location, going over the details meticulously to ensure everyone understands their part in the operation.

Final Briefing:

Alexis: "Alright, everyone. Here's the plan. Jack's recon has been crucial in identifying the Triad's defenses. We'll use his backdoor to disable their security cameras just before our entry. Once inside, our primary objective is to secure the cache quickly and efficiently."

Jack: "I'll maintain surveillance and feed real-time updates to the team. Once you're inside, I'll keep an eye on any reinforcements or unexpected movements from the Triad."

Rebel Team Leader: "Our extraction point is set. Once we have the cache, we'll move swiftly to extract before the Triad can react. Everyone clear on their roles?"

Team: Nods and affirmative responses.

Alexis: "Alright. Let's move out. Jack, keep us updated. We'll initiate the operation in T-minus 30 minutes."

Operation Objectives:

  • Disable Security Cameras: Jack will use his backdoor access to temporarily disable the security cameras.
  • Secure the Cache: The Rebel team will move in, neutralize guards if necessary, and secure the Triad's supply cache.
  • Extraction: Retrieve the cache and withdraw to the extraction point safely and swiftly.

Jack's Role:

  • Surveillance and Updates: Jack will provide real-time updates on Triad movements and any changes in the warehouse environment.
  • Support: Assist the team with information and support as needed during the operation.

As the briefing concludes, Jack prepares himself mentally and ensures his equipment is ready. He focuses on his task ahead, knowing that his role in surveillance is crucial to the success of the mission.

What will Trace find out from the decryption? Will the team successfully hit and extract the good from the Triad store house? What's next for Jack once this job is done?

Leave a comment and tell me what your thinking of how things are going. Have any of you ran solo session with chatgpt or other AI. Any advice you'd like to share or other ideas to make this more interesting? How would you like to see things move forward from here?

If I setup a discord would any one be interested in hanging out and discussing tabletop RPGs?

I would love to get a community started here and see what we can come up with. 


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