GURPS SOLO - Jack Diamond - The Return of Jack Diamond

 Recently I have acquired a copy of the GURPS 3rd edition core rule book and have decided to make a return to my previous play through in the cyberpunk genre with Jack Diamon, the hacker who is on the run for killing a triad gang member who was holding up a deli shop. To make things interesting I have opted to convert Jack over to using the 3rd edition rule set as well as change my oracle. Moving forward I will be using chat-gpt to provide a form of Game Master experience while continuing on Jack's Exploits. 

To get caught up on the previous exploits of Jack check out the previous 2 installments below:

Jack Session 1

Jack Session 2

So with out further ado, we catch up with Jack on the run from the triad, with his buddy Gutter Rat, after he just accepted a job to try and restore a data disk stolen from his former employer.

Scene 2: The Road to Safety

Jack is now in Gutter Rat’s van, the rain pounding against the windshield as they drive through the dimly lit streets of Lincoln. Gutter Rat, a grizzled man in his late 40s, looks over at Jack, his eyes filled with curiosity and concern.

The Plan

Gutter Rat outlines a plan to get Jack out of Nebraska and to a safe house in the Rocky Mountain region, where an old contact of his, a skilled fixer named Lena, can provide some temporary security and resources. However, the journey will be dangerous, with the triad possibly on their tail and the need to avoid corporate goons from RMG.

Gutter Rat also suggests a secondary objective: meeting with a group of anti-triad mercenaries who might be willing to help Jack in exchange for his hacking skills. They are known to operate in the Denver area.

Scene 3: The Journey Begins

Gutter Rat nods at Jack’s decisions. The van takes a sharp turn off the main road and onto a less-traveled path. The rain intensifies, but Gutter Rat expertly navigates the winding, narrow roads.

Gutter Rat: "Good call on the backroads. We’ll avoid most of the heat this way. You can start working on that disk once we get to Lena’s place."

Jack nods and takes out the business card the man in the brown suit gave him. He inputs the secure number into his comm device and waits. After a few rings, a gravelly voice answers.

Gravelly Voice: "Who is this?"

Jack: "This is Jack Diamond. I was told to contact you regarding the disk. I’m on the move, but I need some muscle. Can you arrange a meeting with your group?"

Gravelly Voice: "You got guts, kid. Meet us at the old Denver Union Station in two days, 9 PM. Be on time, and don’t bring any surprises."

Jack confirms and ends the call. The tension in the van rises as they continue their journey, every shadow on the road potentially hiding danger.

Scene 4: Safe House

After hours of driving, they reach Lena’s safe house—a secluded cabin nestled deep in the Rockies. Gutter Rat pulls into the gravel driveway and cuts the engine.

Gutter Rat: "Here we are. Let’s get inside."

As they enter, Lena, a sharp-eyed woman in her 30s with a no-nonsense demeanor, greets them. She takes in Jack’s disheveled appearance and the urgency in his eyes.

Lena: "Gutter Rat filled me in. You can work on your disk here. We’ll keep watch."

Scene 5: Preparing the Disk

Jack sets up his cyberdeck in a small, secure room. The equipment here is rudimentary compared to what he had at RMG, but it will have to do. He begins by inspecting the damaged disk. This will require a Computer Programming roll to assess the state of the data and determine the necessary steps for repair.

Roll: Computer Programming (Skill 12)

  • Roll 3d6: [Success or Failure]

Let's roll to see if Jack succeeds in assessing the disk’s state. I'll roll for you using GURPS 3rd Edition rules.

Roll: 3d6 = 11 (Success)

Jack successfully determines that the data on the disk is partially corrupted but salvageable. It will take a few hours of concentrated effort to repair it.

Scene 6: The Repair Process

Jack dives into the repair process, running decryption algorithms and reconstructing the fragmented data. This will require another Computer Programming roll, taking into account his skill level and the complexity of the task.

Roll: Computer Programming (Skill 12)

  • Roll 3d6: [Success or Failure]

Let's roll again to see if Jack can successfully repair the disk.

Roll: 3d6 = 9 (Success)

After several hours of intense work, Jack manages to repair the disk. The data is now accessible, and it confirms his suspicions: this is indeed a highly valuable piece of software from RMG. Jack realizes the potential leverage he holds but also the danger if RMG discovers its loss.

Scene 7: Planning the Next Move

With the disk repaired, Jack has two days before the meeting with the mercenaries. Lena provides him with a place to rest and some basic supplies.

Lena: "Get some rest, Jack. You’ll need it. Gutter Rat and I will keep watch."

Jack has a lot on his mind as he lies down, contemplating his next move. The mercenaries might be his best shot at survival, but dealing with them carries its own risks. Meanwhile, the triad and RMG are looming threats.

Scene 8: Gathering Intel

Over the next two days, Jack decides to gather more information about the mercenaries he'll be meeting. Using Lena’s secure network, he taps into various underground channels and forums where information about local mercenary groups is shared. His goal is to learn as much as possible about their operations, reputation, and any potential leverage points.

Roll: Computer Hacking (Skill 12)

  • Roll 3d6: [Success or Failure]

Let's roll to see if Jack can successfully gather useful intel on the mercenaries.

Roll: 3d6 = 10 (Success)

Jack finds a wealth of information. The mercenaries, known as the "Rocky Mountain Rebels," are a well-organized group with a strong anti-triad stance. They have a reputation for being tough but fair, valuing loyalty and competence. This knowledge boosts Jack’s confidence about the upcoming meeting.

Scene 9: Leveraging the Disk

Jack plans to use the disk as a bargaining chip with the mercenaries. The leverage it provides could secure him the protection he needs and possibly some additional resources.

Lena: "I hope you know what you're doing with that disk, Jack. The Rebels won't take kindly to being double-crossed."

Jack: "I understand. This disk is my ticket out of this mess."

Scene 10: The Meeting

The day of the meeting arrives. Gutter Rat drives Jack to the old Denver Union Station. The historic building is now a decaying relic, long abandoned and perfect for clandestine meetings. As they approach, Jack spots a group of heavily armed individuals waiting near the entrance.

Gutter Rat: "That’s them. Remember, keep it cool and stick to the plan."

Jack exits the van, briefcase in hand, and walks towards the group. A tall woman with a commanding presence steps forward—this must be their leader.

Leader: "You must be Jack Diamond. I'm Alexis. You have something for us?"

Jack: "Yes, I have a repaired RMG disk with valuable data. I need your protection and assistance."

Alexis: "Interesting. Let’s see it."

Jack opens the briefcase, revealing the disk. Alexis examines it carefully before nodding to her team.

Alexis: "Alright, Jack. We’ll take you under our wing, but you need to prove your worth. We have a job lined up that requires your expertise. Help us with this, and we'll ensure your safety from the triads."

Scene 11: The Job

Alexis briefs Jack on the job. The Rebels have located a triad safehouse containing crucial intel on their operations. They need Jack to hack into their systems and extract the information. The safehouse is heavily guarded, and the operation will require precision and stealth.

Scene 12: Remote Assistance

Jack decides to stay at a secure location and remotely assist the Rebels during the operation. This way, he can focus entirely on hacking without the immediate danger of being on-site. The Rebels set up a secure communication link for Jack to guide them.

Jack: "I'll be your eyes and ears. Just get me close enough to access their network, and I'll handle the rest."

Alexis: "Understood. We'll keep you updated on our position and any obstacles we encounter."

Scene 13: Securing the Disk

Jack keeps the disk with him for leverage. This ensures that he retains control over the situation and can negotiate if necessary.

Gutter Rat: "Be careful with that disk, Jack. It's your lifeline right now."

Scene 14: The Operation

Jack sets up his cyberdeck in a safe, hidden location provided by the Rebels. As he boots up his equipment, he listens to the team's radio chatter through his earpiece.

Alexis (over the radio): "We're approaching the safehouse. ETA two minutes."

Jack monitors the feed from a drone the Rebels have deployed. He sees the safehouse, a nondescript building surrounded by guards.

Alexis: "Jack, we're in position. We're counting on you."

Jack: "Alright, I'm tapping into their external security system now."

Roll: Computer Hacking (Skill 12)

  • Roll 3d6: [Success or Failure]

Let's roll to see if Jack can successfully breach the triad's external security system.

Roll: 3d6 = 8 (Success)

Jack successfully breaches the external security system, gaining control of the cameras and unlocking the doors for the Rebels.

Jack: "Cameras are down, and doors are unlocked. Move in."

Scene 15: Guiding the Rebels

As the Rebels enter the building, Jack guides them through the layout, avoiding patrols and directing them to the main server room. The operation is going smoothly until they encounter a heavily secured door.

Alexis: "We’ve hit a reinforced door. Can you override it?"

Roll: Electronics Repair (Skill 13)

  • Roll 3d6: [Success or Failure]

Let's roll to see if Jack can override the reinforced door's security mechanisms.

Roll: 3d6 = 11 (Success)

Jack manages to override the door's security, allowing the Rebels to proceed.

Jack: "Door’s open. Keep moving."

Scene 16: Hacking the Server

The Rebels reach the server room. Jack initiates a deep hack to extract the crucial intel on the triads.

Roll: Computer Hacking (Skill 12)

  • Roll 3d6: [Success or Failure]

Let's roll to see if Jack can successfully hack into the triad's server and extract the information.

Roll: 3d6 = 12 (Success)

Jack successfully hacks into the server and starts extracting the data. As he works, alarms start blaring.

Alexis: "We’ve been compromised! Finish up, Jack. We need to get out of here."

Jack: "Just a few more seconds... Got it! Data’s extracted. Get out now!"

Scene 17: The Escape

The Rebels make a swift exit, evading the guards with Jack's guidance. They rendezvous back at the safe location, where Jack finalizes the data extraction and hands it over to Alexis.

Alexis: "You did good, Jack. This intel is invaluable. As promised, we’ll provide you with the protection you need."

Scene 18: Negotiating Terms

With the data successfully extracted and the Rebels satisfied, Jack now holds the disk as his final leverage. He needs to negotiate the terms of his protection and future involvement with the Rebels.

Jack: "I've held up my end. Now, I need your help to stay safe from the triads and possibly deal with RMG if they come looking for this disk."

Alexis: "You’ve proven your worth, Jack. We'll protect you, but we expect you to continue using your skills to aid our operations. In return, you'll have our resources and manpower at your disposal."


Jack agrees to the terms, finding temporary safety with the Rocky Mountain Rebels. The disk remains a critical piece of leverage, and Jack must continue to navigate the dangerous world of cyber espionage and corporate warfare.

Instead of getting cp for the adventure, Jack now has Rocky Mountain Rebels as a patron. 

Here is the updated Sheet for Jack:

Name: Jack Diamond
Age: 23
Location: USA, Nebraska District (North Central Region)

Primary Stats:

  • ST: 10
  • DX: 11
  • IQ: 14
  • HT: 10

Secondary Statistics:

  • HP: 10
  • FP: 10
  • Basic Speed: 5.25
  • Move: 5
  • Will: 14
  • Perception: 14
  • Dodge: 5
  • Parry (Machete - Default DX-5): 3


  • Contact (The Gutter Rat - Fence): Skill (Streetwise) 15, Appears on 12, usually reliable
  • Neural Interface - Environmental
  • Quirk - Nosy
  • Signature Gear 3 (used mostly to get a basic cyberdeck and misc gear)
  • Patron (Rocky Mountain Rebels): Appears on 12 or less, has access to $10,000,000 in assets
  • Enemy (The Triad, Massive group): Appears on a roll of 6 or less


  • Computer Hacking - 12
  • Guns (Pistol) - 11
  • Computer Programming - 12
  • Electronics Repair - 13
  • Cyber Deck Operation - 12
  • Expert Skill (Computer Security) - 12
  • Computer Operation - 14


  • Basic Cyberdeck
  • 9mm Pistol
  • Machete
  • Backpack
  • Briefcase (containing the disk and pre-paid credit voucher)
  • Miscellaneous electronics repair and hacking tools

Credits on Hand: 8,000 credits

Overall a pretty successful run. There are some areas for improvement as it does not appear it was taking task difficulty into consideration. I will be exploring more with this method of soloing for a bit to see how good it can be done. Please provide your thoughts and recommendations in the comments as I would love to see what the community would like the see in the coming months.

In other news I am now an affiliate with both Amazon and Drivethrurpg. For those of you who would like to maybe pick up any of the books I am using as I play through these games and would also like to support me moving forward heck out the following links below:

GURPS 3rd Edition Revised, Print on Demand from Amazon

GURPS 3rd Edition, PDF or Print on Demand from Drivetru

Cyberpunk, PDF or Print on Demand from Drivethru

I am always looking to expand out my shelves with gaming material and your support will help in acquiring additional books to make this blog even better. 


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