A new year and new Feds
2024 is in full swing and things are moving quickly in my little part of the world.
We just sold our house and making a even bigger move further south, and thus most of my gaming gear has been packed up for a move for some time now. The good news is I have recently acquired a full roster worth of wrestlers from brocsterbuilds.com and am starting a really fun Fed with just the cards I picked up along with a few extra goodies I have gotten from members on the Filsinger Games message board.
Once settled in I have plans to setup a few different Feds based on my whims, but all will have the same house rules in play. For any one else who plays COTG/LOW/Indies here is the rules I'll be using:
1. Start of the match if the initial roll off is a tie, roll again and start on Level 2 offense. If tied again do the same but roll on Level 3. If 3 ties are some how rolled, a brawl has erupted before the wrestlers get into the ring and the match is considered a no contest.
2. Any roll on the outside the ring chart that includes being put through a table, slammed into a ring post, or being hit with a chair will be considered an add 1 move giving 1 additional fatigue to the receiving wrestler.
3. When rolling for a pin, a roll of double 6's is a reversal, no fatigue is added to the wrestler and they immediately attempt a schoolboy or some other form of quick pin. The other wrestler now rolls their pin. A reversal pin can be countered with another reversal pin.
4. Every one gets 1 free reroll for DQ per match
5. Champs Advantage - Title Holders get 1 free reroll on a pin roll per match where their title is on the line.
6. At the end of a match for each wrestler who has taken 4 or more fatigue roll 1d6 and add their total fatigue. If the result is a 12 or higher the wrestler has sustained an injury, roll 2d6 to see how many cards they will be out for. If a champ is to defend their title at a supercard, they start the match with a number of fatigue = to the number of cards they are still be out for. This can lead to additional injury leading to further time out.
Nothing too crazy but provides some action, a bit more risk taking going outside of the ring(which should be dangerous), and a better chance of matches not ending in DQ along with champs who are only slightly harder to the dethrone.
My ranking system is pretty basic but works pretty well for me.
Winning a match is worth 2 points
Losing a match by pinfall/submission is -1 points
Losing a match by DQ/Time Out is -2 points
Every match a wrestler wins in a row including the first provides 1 point for a "streak" bonus
The nice thing is I have this all setup in a simple spread sheet to keep track of rankings very quickly which allows me to book very quickly as well, usually pitting those with nearly identical win/loss records against each other and letting the cream rise to the top for #1 contender spots and chances against the champs.
Let me know what you guys think in the comments below as well as any house rules you use in your feds.
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